July 7, 2017 Update
Post date: Jul 7, 2017 6:19:27 PM
We now have the following number of classmates and guests registered for our events:
28 - Friday night mixer
32 - Saturday night dinner
23 - Sunday morning brunch
Remember, the cut-off date to pay the early registration fees is to have them postmarked by July 31. After that date, the prices go up $4/person for Saturday and $2/person for Sunday. Also, all registrations have to be in and paid by September 1 so we can give the venues the firm counts. Friday night is just walk-in, no registration needed, but we would appreciate you registering so we have an idea of how many people to plan for.
There are two ways to register. Just go to our web site www.efa67.net/reunion50 where you can either register on line (but you have to mail your payment in) or print off the registration form and mail it with your check. Who to make the check payable to and where to mail it is noted at bottom of each form.
You will also find two other important links on the web site that are updated frequently:
* List of registered classmates who agreed to have their names listed
("Who Is Coming")
* List of classmates we have been unable to find ("Who Is Missing")
If you have questions or concerns, please email them to:
efa1967reunion@gmail.com or you can call Patricia (Pat) Mysnyk Nelson at 607-739-9911.