August 16 News
Post date: Aug 21, 2017 11:50:53 PM
Some updates on the upcoming reunion — 22 days to go!
It is not too late to register but the end of August deadline is approaching fast. Go to : Register Online and mail in your check BY SEPTEMBER 1 AT THE LATEST. There are a few who have registered online but no check has been received yet.
The Who is Coming list is at 87 of us, a total of 122 including guests for the Saturday evening event.
Also, would you take a look at the Who is Missing list and help us find even more in our class?
Going back to 1970 remembering those in our class who have passed on. In the left column there are known links to obituaries, which are publicly available on the Internet. It appears that obituaries started to be published online circa 2000. Please let us know of any corrections and links to notices that have not yet been included.
Elmira News
Elmira like many small towns has struggled with a declining population, decreasing tax revenue, and keeping jobs in the area but even so it is surprising to know that Elmira has the worst economy in upstate NY. City Data provides an in-depth profile of Elmira.
Elmira’s Church Street welcome sign (after exiting route 86/17) was erected in 2003. Can you identify everyone?
M&M Red Hots is still open and the hot dogs are as good as ever. Opened only on weekdays from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm.
A handy alphabetical list of Elmira restaurants and a review site maintained by anonymous food critics.
From the Reunion planning group
Pat Mysnyk Nelson, Janet Swezey Dean, Bruce Nolan, Sherry Sutton Brown, Dave Senkiw, Elaine Senkiw, Chris Jankowski Miller, Joyce Green, Dee Dee Schayer Dewey, Joe Fahs